Local Motion & the Island Line Trail
Burlington, VT
(802) 652-2453
Located 5.82 miles from Lone Pine Campsites
The Island Line cruises through Burlington’s waterfront and scoots out on the Colchester Causeway three miles into the middle of the lake! Public beaches, natural areas, and scenic vistas abound. Stop into ECHO, the museum of Lake Champlain. Have a picnic lunch out on the causeway, or go for a swim!
Island Line Trailheads:
0.0 Oakledge Park, Burlington (2 Flynn Ave)
Parking ($5 in summer), restrooms
2.1 Union Station, Burlington (1 King Street)
Parking ($0.50 an hour) in garage at bottom of King Street, restrooms at Local Motion
3.4 North Beach, Burlington (9 Institute Road)
Parking ($5 in summer), restrooms, swimming, snackbar
5.1 Leddy Park, Burlington (290 Leddy Park Road)
Parking ($5 in summer), restrooms, swimming
8.2 Airport Park, Colchester (201 Colchester Point Road)
Parking (free), restrooms
Local Motion is a Greater Burlington, VT 501(c)3 non-profit organization whose mission is to “promote bicycling, walking, running, inline skating and the facilities that make such travel safe, easy and fun.” The organization seeks to improve personal health and the local economy by developing regional trails, promoting walkable communities, and fostering active lifestyles. Community leaders founded the organization in 1999 to develop the Winooski River Bike Ferry and Cycle the City.
With two early successes, the organization broadened its sights on making the Greater Burlington area a better place to walk, bike, run and skate and reconnecting the segments of the former Island Line railbed into a spectacular regional trail.
Five years later, we have much to celebrate and more to tackle having grown a fledgling group into a powerful organization with 450 member households and seven programs!